Welcome to the Multi-Agency
Planning (MAP) Tool

What is Multi-Agency Planning (MAP) work?
Multi-Agency Planning (MAP) at an agency or county level is systems transformation work. Through our comprehensive MAP Tool, you will work with partner agencies to develop clear, purposeful, and carefully designed processes that promote cross agency, cross program, and cross disciplinary collaborative efforts leading to tangible transition outcomes for youth and families. Essential Characteristics of Interagency Collaboration and MAP work includes:
- Developing a MAP team with a common focus on transition
- Developing formal and informal agreements between partner agencies
- Developing an agreed upon vision and mission
- Implementing a local plan that addresses gaps, promotes blending and braiding of services and supports, streamlines planning processes, and limits duplication of service delivery
- Establishing methods of communicating and sharing information across agencies
- Developing cross-agency professional development opportunities for all MAP members to ensure all partners are knowledgeable about each other’s services and eligibility criteria
Transitioning from School to Adulthood
Video: Silos Animation
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Agency Neutral, Outcome Focused, Person Centered
County-level collaboration amongst agencies like school districts, county boards of developmental disabilities (CBDD), Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) and others can help students align their goals and receive supports and services that build towards their unified goals – avoiding duplication of services and miscommunication.
Students who received assistance from 3 to 6 community-based agencies (as compared to students with assistance from 0 to 2 agencies) were more likely to be engaged in post-school employment or education.

No Wrong Door Policy

Better understanding of your local partner agencies will help you connect students and families to the proper resources at the right time. It will also help families get connected with your agency earlier too. Hear from some current MAP Teams across Ohio on the importance of working together.
Video: MAP Panel 1
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What is Audio Description (AD)?
When AD is enabled, descriptive language narrates what is on the screen. To learn more, visit our accessibility webpage.
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Kaltura Video Hosting: This website uses Kaltura, a video hosting company, to serve video content. If you are having difficulty viewing videos on this site, it may mean that your location (e.g., school district, organization) is blocking or filtering the Kaltura website. Please contact your IT personnel to resolve this issue.
Accessibility: We strive to make this website accessible for all users, including people with disabilities. We test and modify this website for optimal usability. If you have any accessibility questions or find any pages on our website that pose accessibility barriers, please contact support@ocali.org.
Captions / Transcript
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When available, you can use Spanish subtitles for this video by selecting Settings and choosing Spanish in the Captions drop down menu.
How Can I Get Started?
Multi-Agency Planning work is intended to be just that – multiple agencies coming together to develop strategies to be more efficient and effective in jointly serving transition youth.

First, you will need to consider your local agency partners within your county that serve transition students with disabilities. Traditionally, MAP teams include local school districts, county board of developmental disabilities, regional Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities counselors and supervisors, Family and Children First Councils, OhioMeansJobs professionals, and more.

Create a user account within our online MAP Tool. Click Login at the top corner and then Create an account on the next webpage.

Complete the two Foundational MAP Concept modules within the MAP Tool. These modules will help you get started identifying your next steps in creating a local, county-based MAP team.